
Thank you for visiting The Daily Activist, where we unite style and activism, and stand in solidarity with those in our community who face daily challenges simply for existing. We strive to go beyond being a mere clothing brand; our purpose is to make a positive impact, one t-shirt at a time. Each purchase from one of the collections shown below will result in a donation to the charities represented by your selections:

  • Black Lives Matter Collection

    With every purchase from this category, we donate a percentage of the profits to organizations like the Black Lives Matter Foundation, NAACP, National Black Justice Coalition, and The Loveland Foundation. Each piece of apparel in this collection is designed to recognize, support, and amplify the voices of the Black community.

  • Women's Rights Collection

    By choosing an item from this category, you're supporting organizations such as She Should Run, Planned Parenthood, National Women’s Law Center, and Equality Now. This collection is dedicated to advancing women's rights and gender equality, showing your solidarity with women worldwide.

  • LGBTQ+ Rights Collection

    Sales from this category help fund organizations like JASMYN, The Trevor Project, and Human Rights Campaign. With every piece of apparel, we aim to celebrate and support the LGBTQ+ community, advocating for equal rights and acceptance.

  • The Unhoused Collection

    Every purchase from this collection contributes to Family Promise, Coalition for the Homeless, and the National Alliance to end Homelessness. Our goal is to aid those experiencing homelessness, advocating for affordable housing and systemic change.

  • Criminal Justice Reform Collection

    Purchases from this collection contribute to the Criminal Justice Reform Foundation and the Center for Policing Equity. This line is dedicated to advocating for a fair and just criminal justice system.

  • Universal Healthcare Collection

    A portion of the profits from this category goes to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, HealthWell Foundation, and Direct Relief. This collection is all about advocating for accessible healthcare for everyone, everywhere. Tax Fairness & Income Inequality Collection: Sales from this collection support United for a Fair Economy. The items in this line aim to bring awareness to income inequality and advocate for a fair tax system.

  • Climate Change Collection

    With the climate crisis escalating, it's time for us to step up and take action. Each purchase from our Climate Change Collection supports organizations that are leading the fight against global warming. These include Cool Earth, which works alongside rainforest communities to halt deforestation and its impact on climate change; the Clean Air Task Force, which is dedicated to reducing atmospheric pollution and advocating for cleaner, healthier air; and the Union of Concerned Scientists, who combine independent scientific research and citizen action to develop innovative, practical solutions for a healthy, safe, and sustainable future. By choosing an item from this collection, you're not just making a fashion statement, but also contributing towards a more sustainable and livable planet for future generations. Stand with us as we stand with the Earth.

  • Freedom From Religion Collection

    A portion of profits from this category is donated to the Freedom from Religion Foundation. This collection supports the separation of church and state, and the rights of non-religious individuals. 

  • Voting Rights Collection

    Choosing an item from this collection supports the Brennan Center for Justice, FairVote, and Common Cause. These products are all about preserving and promoting the right to vote and fair elections.

  • Tax Fairness & Income Inequality Collection

    Sales from this collection support United for a Fair Economy. The items in this line aim to bring awareness to income inequality and advocate for a fair tax system.

Every Purchase Makes A Difference

All of these charities are highly rated by Charity Navigator for their effectiveness in advocating for these important causes. Additionally, by wearing our apparel, you declare yourself an ally, signaling to others that they are recognized, heard, and need not fear. For more information, contact us at